International Journal of Metacentre <p><strong>The International Journal of Metacentre (IJM)</strong> is addressed to scientists and professionals to share their experience, expert knowledge and research results, concerning all aspects of maritime application, technology, engineering, science, and transportation.</p> <p>The IJM is an Open Access journal and does not charge readers or their institutions for access to the journal articles. Open access supports the rights of users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles provided they are properly acknowledged and cited. Also, the IJM maintains a standard double-blind peer-review process. The double-blind process means that the identity of the author and the reviewer are not known to each other.</p> <p>The IJM is currently indexed in <strong><a href=";hl=en&amp;user=kcj0zQgAAAAJ">Google Scholar</a>, <a href="">Garuda</a>, etc.</strong></p> <p>The IJM is published by <a href="">Naval Architecture Departmen</a>, <a href="">Hasanuddin University</a> in two issues per year of <strong>June</strong> and <strong>December</strong> and contains original papers in <strong>English</strong>. The contribution should be unpublished before and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. For all services <em>(submission, reviewing, editing, publishing, and uploading the accepted article)</em>, the IJM charges freely. The number of pages per article should be maximum 10 pages.</p> Naval Architecture Departement, Hasanuddin University en-US International Journal of Metacentre 2809-8307 Application of Tensile Testing on Ulin Wood And Bungur Wood as Main Materials for 20 GT Traditional Fishing Vessel Hull <p>Fishing boats in North Penajam Paser are made by combining 2 types of wood in the hull. This combination of wood types is carried out to save the material procurement budget. Bungur wood is the alternative choice for shipyards for hull material combined with Ulin wood. For this reason, this paper shows the differences in the tensile strength performance of these 2 types of traditional wooden ship hull materials. The experimental method of destructive testing of the type of Tensile test was applied in this study. Where the experimental results show that the tensile strength of the crepe is 22% lower than the tensile strength of ulin wood. Meanwhile, in terms of stiffness, crepe wood is superior to ulin wood, where the difference reaches 22.22%. Bungur wood still has the potential to be used for wooden ships with an LoA (length over all) value of &lt;15 meters or for ships that have a lower hydrostatic load than that which can be accepted by Bungur wood.</p> Andi Mursid Nugraha Arifuddin Alamsyah Decky Burliyanto Suardi Copyright (c) 2023 Andi Mursid Nugraha Arifuddin, Alamsyah, Decky Burliyanto, Suardi 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 3 1 1 8 Study of the Impact of Biofouling on Ship Resistance Using Autodesk CFD <p>Biofouling, the accumulation of marine organisms on ship hulls, poses a substantial challenge in the maritime industry. Over time, organisms like algae and molluscs adhere to hull surfaces, creating a biofouling layer that disrupts water flow and increases ship resistance. This study investigates the effects of biofouling on ship resistance and fluid flow patterns along the hull. Data collection involved measuring key ship dimensions, analyzing ship lines plan drawings, and measuring biofouling thickness. Autodesk Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software was used to calculate ship resistance and analyze fluid flow along the hull. Two conditions were compared: a hull without biofouling and a biofouled hull. At a speed of 1.220 m/s, the biofouled ship model exhibited a resistance of 3,739 N, while the clean hull had a resistance of 3,280 N, indicating a 13.642% resistance increase due to biofouling. Fluid flow analysis revealed complex flow patterns along the biofouled hull, potentially reducing operational efficiency. These findings underscore the importance of biofouling prevention and control measures in minimizing resistance and maintaining operational efficiency. A deeper understanding of fluid flow characteristics related to biofouling allows ship operators and companies to make informed decisions about vessel maintenance, reducing environmental impacts and operational costs. This research contributes to addressing biofouling challenges in the maritime industry.</p> Rosmani Rosmani Suandar Baso Heri Saputra Muhammad Akbar Asis Lukman Bochary Sopyan Chalil Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmani Rosmani, Suandar Baso, Heri Saputra, Muhammad Akbar Asis, Lukman Bochary, Sopyan Chalil 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 3 1 9 19 Experimental Study on Bow Slamming of a Ship <p>This study discusses about the critical issue of slamming phenomena in ship design, emphasizing its impact on ship safety, environmental concerns, and fuel consumption. The drop tests has been used to investigate bow slamming pressures and internal strain at various drop angle. The results indicated peak pressures at different sensors, with higher drop angles resulting in increased impact pressures and internal strains due to augmented velocity, angular momentum, surface area contact, hydrodynamic effects, and gravitational forces.</p> Andi Dian Eka Anggriani Suandar Baso Lukman Bochary Rosmani Muhammad Akbar Asis Muh Miftach Aqsa Mubarak La Ode Gaffar Copyright (c) 2023 Andi Dian Eka Anggriani, Suandar Baso, Lukman Bochary, Rosmani, Muhammad Akbar Asis, Muh Miftach Aqsa Mubarak, La Ode Gaffar 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 3 1 20 26